Billing Practices
Ohio Cumberland is governed by the PUCO in respect to our billing practices. Our billing rates generally change quarterly and are calculated according to PUCO approval. The bills are due 14 days after the bills are mailed. Accounts that are not paid in full may be subject to disconnection according to PUCO approved termination procedures.
Bills are prepared after the meter readings have been completed (last 3 business days of month). Our bills come on a post card but will be included in an envelope 3-4 times a year with Public Awareness information, Budget Program news, etc.
Customer billing and payment history will be provided upon request.
Initial Billing Inquires should be made to the office of Ohio Cumberland Gas Company, at 20718 Danville-Amity Road, Mt. Vernon, OH 43050, at 740-392-2941 or toll-free 877-392-2941, during normal office hours, Monday – Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, except holidays.
If your complaint is not resolved after contacting Ohio Cumberland, or for general utility information, residential and business customers may contact the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio for assistance at 180 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43215 or at 800-686-7826 (toll free) from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm weekdays or at Hearing or speech impaired customers may contact the PUCO via 7-1-1 (Ohio relay service). The Ohio Consumers’ Council represents residential utility customers in matters before the PUCO. The OCC can be contacted toll-free at 877-742-5622 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, weekdays, or visit