Ohio Cumberland Gas Company is a natural gas company dedicated to serve our customers as we would want to be served. The relationship we share can only grow stronger when we work together. Our office and field personnel are here to serve you. They serve best when there is a mutual respect and cooperation.
Initial Billing Inquires should be made to the office of Ohio Cumberland Gas Company, at 20718 Danville-Amity Road, Mt. Vernon, OH 43050, at 740-392-2941 or toll-free 877-392-2941, during normal office hours, Monday – Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, except holidays.
If your complaint is not resolved after contacting Ohio Cumberland, or for general utility information, residential and business customers may contact the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio for assistance at 180 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43215 or at 800-686-7826 (toll free) from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm weekdays or at www.puco.oho.gov. Hearing or speech impaired customers may contact the PUCO via 7-1-1 (Ohio relay service). The Ohio Consumers’ Council represents residential utility customers in matters before the PUCO. The OCC can be contacted toll-free at 877-742-5622 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, weekdays, or visit www.pickocc.org.
Customers may review the Minimum Gas Service Standards on the PUCO website or obtain a copy from the Commission upon request.
Customers should contact Ohio Cumberland Gas in regard to: |
Installation of service
Disconnection or Reconnection of service
Transfer of service – moving into or out of our service area |
Methods of establishing creditworthiness |
Usage and payment history |
Rate information |
Payment of bills |
Payment plans, deferred payments and low-income assistance |
Meter testing |
Service line concerns or suspected gas leaks |
Contact Ohio Utilities Protection Service (OUPS) Call Before You Dig to have your gas line marked. Dial 811 or 800-362-2764.
Ohio Cumberland Gas personnel will display company identification and state the reason for the service call when asked. When necessary, an appointment will be scheduled; otherwise, if personnel are on your property, they are working with meter readings and maintenance of our pipelines.
Customers indebted to Ohio Cumberland
Service will not be supplied to any premises if at the time of application for service the applicant is indebted to Ohio Cumberland Gas for any service of like type previously supplied at the same or other premises, until payment of such indebtedness or other arrangement satisfactory to Ohio Cumberland Gas company shall have been made.
Right to Shut Off Gas
After reasonable notice, Ohio Cumberland Gas company has the right to discontinue service and the right to disconnect and remove from the premises of any consumer the meter and any other property belonging to Ohio Cumberland Gas company for any reason or purposes subject to Rule 4901-1-18-03, Ohio Administrative Code.
Application for Service
It is your responsibility to make application for gas service upon taking possession of the property (either when the property is purchased or from the landlord). In the event of violation of this provision, in addition to other rights of Ohio Cumberland Gas, such person shall be liable for all gas consumed in the premises from the date such person occupied the premises. Any successor in interest to a customer, including without limitation heirs, executors, administrators, assignees, trustees, guardians, and receivers, shall be deemed to be a person who must make application for service, provided that successors in interest whose rights arise from death or incompetence of the customer shall have thirty (30) days in which to make application.
Current Customer Information
It is your responsibility to see that Ohio Cumberland Gas has current information to contact you in case of repairs where we need to shut off gas service temporarily or emergency repairs when our line is damaged. We want to notify you when these situations occur. If your service is shut off, regardless of the reason, we are required to test your house lines for leaks; therefore, we need access to your home before we can reconnect the service.
Maintaining Gas Piping
The customer is responsible for maintaining all gas piping that extends beyond the gas meter to the appliances in the customer’s home or business. If buried piping is not maintained, it may be subject to the potential hazards of corrosion and leakage. If an unsafe condition is found, the gas piping will need to be promptly repaired. When digging near buried gas piping, the piping should be located in advance and the excavation done by hand. In no case, shall the customer, the customer’s contractor or
customer’s employee turn on the gas at the meter. Gas shall be turned on and lines tested by Ohio Cumberland Gas field personnel only.
The customer must provide access to the natural gas meter and service lines for inspection and repairs as needed.
If you suspect there is a problem with your meter or index reading you should notify Ohio Cumberland Gas immediately so we can inspect, repair or replace the meter. Ohio Cumberland Gas can bill for estimated usage when a meter is not reading or not reading accurately, is damaged, or is tampered with.